Cooking Terminology

Braised Beef
Cooking Terminology


Braise Braising is a culinary term for cooking large joints/cuts of meat, poultry, or vegetables in enough liquid to partially cover over a very low heat. A mirepoix of roughly cut vegetables is often included to add flavour to the liquid, the pot is then tightly covered so that the food cooks slowly in the liquid and […]

Blind Baking
Cooking Terminology

Blind Baking

Blind Baking ​The process of Blind Baking is where a pastry case is virtually baked on its own before any ingredients are added and used in cases where the contents of the flan case will cook quicker than the pastry.

To Blanche
Cooking Terminology


Blanche Blanching is a cooking process in which vegetables or fruit are plunged into boiling water for very little time and then immediately plunged into ice cold water to stop the cooking process.

Cooking Terminology


Bisque Bisque is a smooth, creamy, highly seasoned soup of French origin, classically based on a strained broth of crustaceans. It is typically made from lobster, langoustine, crab, shrimp, or crayfish.

Cooking Terminology


Bavarois Bavarois is a dessert consisting of Bavarian cream, which is milk thickened with eggs and gelatin, into which whipped cream is folded. The mixture sets in a cold mould and is turned out of the mould for serving.

To Baste
Cooking Terminology


Baste Baste To keep your Roast Joint as moist as possible Basting is essential. There are several ways to Baste, you can use a spoon by tipping the pan slightly so you can ladle the juices and pour them back over the meat. use a Baster, which again you tip the pan to collect the juices/fat into a […]

Cooking Terminology


Bain‑marie Bain-Marie known as a water bath or double boiler is a piece of equipment used in cooking to heat various ingredients gently or to keep food warm over a period of time. A bain-marie is also used to melt ingredients for cooking as in chocolate.

Cooking Terminology


Croquettes Croquettes A croquette is a small cylinder of food consisting of fillings such as finely chopped meat, seafood, cheese, rice, pasta, or various vegetables that are combined with a thick sauce or mashed potato. It is then coated in flour, egg wash and breadcrumbs before being deep-fried. Croquettes are typically cylindrical in shape but […]

Cooking Terminology


Croustade April 5, 2020 by GeeDee Croustades are traditionally shaped into a circular or bowl shape, baked in the oven and then filled with savoury or sweet fillings, depending on how you want to serve them. They can be used as a main dish, an appetizer as in a canape, or a dessert. The croustade shell can […]